What is Academic Assistant ?
Academic Assistant is a service that allows you to analyze a scientific article, highlight its strengths and weaknesses, and give recommendations for improving the quality of the article material. The service allows you to analyze scientific articles of any subject (so far only in English). Highlighting the key blocks of scientific material, SciMetric gives a formalized assessment of the level of sophistication.
In the future, Academic Assistant will work with Spanish, Chinese, French and German, which will greatly improve the quality and depth of Academic Assistant analysis.
Academic Assistant allows you to give a formalized, objective assessment of the quality of a scientific publication. Academic Assistant allows you to avoid the subjectivity of the evaluating expert (especially when conducting a self-assessment) and give a third-party look at possible directions for refining or improving scientific material.
What is Academic Assistant for?
Academic Assistant serves as an additional tool for assessing the level of sophistication of a scientific article and serves both the author of the article — for preliminary analysis of the material before sending it to the journal, and for editors of scientific publications, as the initial tool for analyzing the proposed publication. Academic Assistant allows you to reduce the subjectivity of the assessment and reduce the time of article analysis, showing the weakest points in the article. Thus, there are two large groups of SciMetric users:
Who is Academic Assistant for?
authors of scientific articles (B2C field)
editions of scientific issues (B2B field)
21 years
> 32500
> 40000
How does Academic
Assistant work?​

Academic Assistant uses two technologies in its work — Machine Learning and Data Science. SciMetric highlights the classic sections of a scientific publication and, using artificial intelligence technologies, evaluates the article for each of them:

Each section of a scientific article is given a score (with a breakdown), as well as a final integral score. In addition, Academic Assistant can compile a worldwide list of modern scientific publications corresponding to the problem of a scientific article being developed. Academic Assistant evaluates the level of originality (anti-plagiarism) of an article.
(including a review of the literature on the issue under study, the degree of its reflection in the article)
relevance, correspondence of the goal to the material of the article
Purpose of research
materials and research methods used in the article
consistency and consistency of conclusions, their parallels in the research works of other authors
Academic Assistant analyzes the conclusions of the article, evaluates the level of scientific novelty of the study
How much does Academic Assistant cost?​
For authors of scientific articles, Academic Assistant will provide free analysis of one article per month. Further — 20 euro per article. For the editorial offices of scientific journals, package subscriptions are provided:
up to 50 articles
up to 100 articles
up to 200 articles
Submit your application
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